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With approximately 21,000’ of vertical gain that includes monster climbs and the solitude of single-track ridge running, the Grindstone 100-mile race is considered by many to be the most incredible ‘hundo’ east of the 100th meridian.

Race Category


Running Stones


Finals Access


160 KM

Elevation Gain

6400 M+

Start Date

Friday 20th September 2024

Race Start

Natural Chimneys Park - 18:00

Max Allowed Race Time

36 Hours



Course Description

Course Description

From the beautiful start/finish location at the historic Natural Chimneys, the course eases you in before reaching the top of Narrow Back Mtn along the scenic ridge and down buttery single-track to connect to the Wolf Ridge aid station. From there you begin your first monster climb up Wolf Ridge to Reddish Knob, over to Little Bald Knob before jumping on the iconic Wild Oak National Recreation Trail and following it over Grindstone Mtn, Lookout Mtn, Hankey Mtn and down some of the sweetest single-track to Dowells Draft. From there, the course travels south over Crawford Knob before climbing the brutal Elliott’s Knob to the course’s highest elevation, only to drop 2000’ in 2 miles down Cold Springs Trail. Take the Cold Springs forest access, returning up and over Crawford Knob, through Dowells Draft to Hankey Mtn and descend the old-school flow of Magic Moss. Continuing on the short gravel section is a welcome reprieve before the steep Horse Trough climb takes you up and over, rejoining the Wild Oak Trail and back to North River Gap. Meander your way up and over Narrow Back Mtn again via the Tillman Trail and cruise back down Lick Run to finish right in front of the towering limestone chimneys.

Mandatory Gear

  • Minimum water supply: 1 liter of hydration capacity
  • Reusable cup/flask/bottle
  • One (1) working headlamp with spare cells/batteries.
  • Recommendation of 200 lumens or more for night running.
  • Jacket with hood for bad weather in the mountains/course terrain

    Recommended Gear

  • Running pack to carry recommended gear throughout the race.
  • Mobile/Cell phone with international roaming that works in the United States of America.
  • Additional working headlamp
  • Hat
Aid Station Chart

Aid Station Chart

Learn more about each Aid Station, elevation gain and loss, cut-off times, and where drop bags and crew are allowed on course

Trail Stewardship

If your scheduled volunteering is after September 1, the last day to turn in the form is at Bib Pick-Up. Please bring a printed copy and go to the Solutions table inside the Bib Pick Up tent. This Trail Work is a requirement, it is NOT optional. If you don't complete the Mandatory Trail Work prior to Bib Pick-Up please complete the buyout option of $175 below before you arrive.** Learn more in the Rules and Regulations Guide.

Trail Stewardship
Crew Access Driving Directions

Crew Access Driving Directions

Please review the 100M Crew Access Driving Directions to prepare for race weekend.